May 17, 2018
Wild, Wild Country has swooped up on Nexflix and everyone is
super pumped on seeing it. Chip and Cern have only seen one
episode, but dive into that one. It has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and
appeared at Sundance Film Festive. They break down the first
episode, the cult ties and more.
Chip’s wife has been pretty excited about this show for a
while and the first episode is really strange, but intriguing. It
doesn’t pull you in as hard as Making a Murderer does. All these
cult type members wear red robes and buy up all this land in
Northern Oregon.
Chip didn’t feel so hooked after the first episode, but was
interested. Cern was mildly interested, but wants to finish it out
just to see it through.
Everyone in the show was seemly in love with the Osho leader
type dude. Then at some point during the 1st episode he decided not
to talk anymore and his assistant ah-Sheila gained what Chip
thought was a lot of power because she was say what this Osho dude
was thinking.
Both Chip and Cern admitted that they may have fallen asleep
during the first episode.
Chip and Cern talk about how it seems that in the 70’s & 80’s
people seemed more willing to fall for some cults, weird hippy
family things.
The cult seemed very sexual and everyone wants to bone the
Osho dude.
Chip is more intrigued with how rather “normal” looking folks
got duped into joining this cult.
Chip and Cern start watching the trailer, and Chip thinks
maybe the high amounts of sex is what are selling folks on joining
Chip then starts thinking when the Mason Murders happened
which Cern does some quick Googling and finds that they happened in
the late 60’s.
Chip gets a little side tracked about the Mason
Chip and Cern are both committing to rewatching the
Are you watching Wild, Wild Country? Let us know on Twitter at
@chipandcernshow. Speaking of plugs, pick up your Chip and Cern
Show swag (hats, shirts and stickers) at
Be sure to spread the word around and tell your friends about
the Chip and Cern Show. The radio is dying and podcasts are coming,
so be ready. You can plug your phone into your car and listen when
driving around.
As always we appreciate you spreading the word with your
friends, coworkers, family and churchgoing community members.
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and Cern Show, so share those!