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Chip and Cern Show

Feb 25, 2021

Ted Cruz is being a total asshole and ditched Texas to head to Mexico leaving his entire constituency behind.  We had a bang-up time playing Pokemon Go during their last event as we all were trying to complete the OG 151 Pokemon which we all ended up doing. We then started talking about old video games and into...

Feb 18, 2021

Cern covers his plans for Lent and we both try to sort out what the actual rules are for Lent. A little chat about the snow in Texas and then we started to chat about the Joss Whedon accusations that are out and we were taking the time to throw it back in our old teacher’s face. Low and behold the exact professor we...

Feb 11, 2021

We quickly cover the Super Bowl and how disappointing it was, but Cern did win his SB Squares, so that was good. We then watched the “I’m Not a Cat” video a few times because it is just too perfect of a video. Cern brought the newest Megan Thee Stallion video for discussion and enjoyment. That got us going down...

Feb 4, 2021

We did the show before the show, so had to catch everyone up on that. There isn’t much way around Chip’s monster power bill because everyone is always home, all the time. Then Cern shares that he actually owned some GME stock for a few years back in the days of $4.50, but sold it a year or so ago cause it wasn’t...