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Chip and Cern Show

Jun 28, 2018

IHOP is changing their name to IHOb is some desperate attempt to inject some newness into a glorified diner. They are still going to sell pancakes, but now they are selling burgers. Chip and Cern cannot remember the last time they even went to an IHOP let alone would go there for a burger. Hear the details on...

Jun 21, 2018

Chip and Cern don’t dive into politics that often, but like any good rule there are always exceptions. Trump has been talking about meeting the North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un. There were talks about this meeting for many months but then canceled last minute by Trump. After an interesting letter to the Jong-un,...

Jun 14, 2018

A man as old/ young as Chip and Cern was sued by his parents because he would not move out of his parent’s house. His mother and father were trying to get him out of the house for over 8 years, but they finally had to resort to the legal system. 
Chip is yelling as his dogs which are having some wresting match...

Jun 7, 2018

Chip’s neighborhood had some break-ins and Chip got to used one of his Nest Cams to do some detective work, pull together his security footage, analyze the data and report to the po-po. Chip spent a few hours one night putting everything together and put it on his local site. 
Chip seemed to have his...