Jul 16, 2020
Disneyland in Florida, of course, Florida, reopened it’s gated to fanatics during the record-setting number of daily COVID-19 cases. Grown adults crying in the middle of Main Street USA with their Mickey ears on, subjecting themselves to a deadly disease is the most American thing that people can do. Chip and Cern...
Jul 9, 2020
After months of being apart Chip, Cern and some of the crew had a very safe, yet fun meet up at Cern’s house. It was good to get the gang back together, enjoy some drinks and grub and of course fireworks. Hear about tales from more misspent 4th of July’s where day naps were required and things of that nature. Be...
Jul 2, 2020
Chip has been catching sass from his local Trader Joe’s. Cern recalls his days collecting tolls for the local lake. Chip shares his hi-jinx from the Circuit City days, and we all know how that went down. Hear more tales from retail and more on this episode of the Chip and Cern Show.