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Chip and Cern Show

Dec 30, 2021


Our last episode of 2021! We chat about how Christmas went for us, what 2022 is looking like, and Chip got a new washer, but not after having to move the old rusty wet busted one. Thanks...

Dec 23, 2021

Chip’s wife caved and got an Elf on the Shelf so he has that going on in his life. Cern has another great Home Depot story when he was purchasing his dad a gift. We chat about NERF and curving bullets, Cern makes a Wanted reference and we fall on our Rotten Tomato crutch again. Merry Christmas and Happy...

Dec 16, 2021

We got together for a 6yr Chip and Cern Show Anniversary party and Chip cooked some of the Detroit Style pizza he has been talking up a lot to Cern. The party went over well, and Cern was on PTO for the previous week. Chip is getting ready for his...

Summer Baseball, MLB Lockout, and Student Debt

Dec 9, 2021

We relive some great summer baseball memories and travel to Reno for tournaments. The MLB is on a lockout since the CBA was expired and no deal was made. We also chatted about the student loan debt crisis that is affecting many Americans. That’s all for this week thanks for listening!

Dec 2, 2021

It is our 6th year of the Chip and Cern Show! Thanks for all the listens over the years we really appreciate it! Enjoy another one!