Aug 10, 2017
Chip gets invited to hit some fancy golf at a private members
only country club. Chip and Cern don’t really golf that much, but
when they do they love to podcast about it. When
golfing with Chip and
Cern you can be sure to have a good time and there will be not
too much taking seriously.
Chip’s “other friends” type A triathletes invited him to the
Bay Club to celebrate a new baby! Chip did some scouting on this
golf course the day before because it was 5 minutes from his house.
He did some research on the cost and you have to be a member of the
club to even tee up at this course. The green fees are $150 for 18
holes, not a wise investment for the type of golf that Chip can
Chip describes his arrival at this fancy pants golf course and
he realizes that he is the only one that doesn’t have golf shoes.
Chip hits golf in his Chuck Taylor high tops.
The golf cart has ice chest on board, waters loaded in, tees
already in the cart, touch screen iPad electric scorecard on board,
and USB phone charger ports. This golf cart was nicer than Joe’s
The guys get ready to tee off on the 1st hole and Chip runs
into one. Chip started off pretty decent, but after about 7,8 and 9
the wheels really started to come off for Chip. The front 9 was
decent for Chip, but the back 9 was dog shit.
Chip calls out his friend Jeff for his shady AF scorekeeping.
He was saying he hasn’t golfed in 6 years, so he did alright all
things considered. He wouldn’t keep good track of his strokes that
he doesn’t like, and this upset Chip for a few holes.
When Chip and Cern golf it isn’t very long until the first
beers are opened. The tee time was 7:30a, so after the front 9 it
was about 9:30, but Chip was more than ready for a
Every year Cern’s company hosts a golf tourney that Chip, Joe
and Dana all attend. It is a best ball tournament that is a ton of
fun. Chip and Cern will do a pregame show and hopefully get the
elusive Joe on the podcast.
How often do you hit golf? Are you more Chip and Cern style or
more Joe serious style? Let us know of Twitter (
@chipandcernshow) or on
Be sure to spread the word around and tell your friends about
Chip and Cern
Show. The radio is dying and podcasts are coming, so be ready.
You can plug your phone into your car and listen when driving
around. If you feel like supporting the show with some of your hard
earned money check out