Aug 30, 2018
The teen years are full of hijinx and tomfoolery, but this
Washington teen has pushed off a 60ft bridge by her “friend” and
suffered six broken ribs, punctured lung, and other injuries. Chip
and Cern break down the 6-second video, give their thoughts and add
some of their own dumb high school “pranks” and other stupid stuff
they have hypothetically done.
Clearly, the girl that was pushed said no, no, no and was not
ready to jump. Her “friend” seems to be frustrated with her not
jumping and pushed her. Chip just jumped off a 12-foot pier and
that spooked him, so he couldn’t imagine what 60 feet would
Chip says he can see how the pushing happened, but neither
Chip or Cern thinks that this action had evil intent. The girl that
was pushed wants the pusher to serve some jail time to do some
thinking about her actions. Cern thinks that is a bit aggressive,
but the pusher said that the girl asked to be pushed and has yet to
To put the 60ft jump in perspective, the Golden Gate Bridge is
95%-98% fatal jump and Is 250 feet tall. 60 feet is the equivalent
of a 6-8 story building.
The teens were good friends before the pushing, but the girl
that was pushed still wants to her friend (or maybe ex-friend)
should serve some time in jail to think about her
Chip and Cern get into some hypothetical situations about when
they were back in high school, again strictly hypothetically
speaking. Chip and Cern hypothetically had their fair share of
tomfoolery in high school.
Chip and Cern agree that at around age 24-26 you get a little
more sense in life.
Should the pusher be put in jail? Let us know on Twitter at
@chipandcernshow. Speaking of plugs, pick up your Chip and Cern
Show swag (hats, shirts, and stickers) at
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the Chip and Cern Show. The radio is dying, and podcasts are
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