Jul 14, 2016
Chip and Cern bring aboard their best looking guests thus far,
their wives. The ladies are in to discuss some over purchasing at
Target, 27th birthday’s and Cern’s inability to say no to anything
that his kids ask.
Chip’s wife NEEDED to go to Target to get an outfit for an
upcoming event at Cern’s house. Chip appreciates a new outfit
because he has bought new hats when get gets a new job.
Chip’s daughter had a dingy outfit on that said “Stay Fancy”
on it. Chip’s wife got some beer, so he went out to the car and
found a bag from Target that was over flowing with, in his
estimates, 12 baby outfits. His wife and Robin, Cern’s wife,
quickly sided up.
Cern admits he has a hard time saying no when the kids get
older. Not just his own kids, but everyone. Toys, candy and eating
out. Charlee, the newest youngest guest, makes an appearance with
Chip’s wife’s titty.
Cern’s wife reveals that all the kids know Cern will always
say yes to them and will even say “we should have asked
Kristen, Chip’s wife, comments that there was too many good
things to pass up.
Robin, Cern’s wife, drives a slave operation and had Chip and
Kristen up at 6am cleaning floors and the house.
Kristen admitted that she was already open to purchasing more
outfits above and beyond the one outfit she had committed and told
Chip about. The ladies team up, as expected.
Chip talks about how silly it is to buy a kid that cannot walk
shoes. Cern is going to even “hand shoes”.
Chip’s friend bought some baby Jordan shoes, which he thought
was funny purchase cause she cannot even wear them for over a
Robin like miniature things of human clothes.
Cern comments that he is able to go to the store for a
specific thing he can do it which was quickly rebutted by his wife.
Cern’s begs to go to Costco, which his wife leaves him in the
Goose Island is supplying the beer. Be ready for an email from
Chip and Cern about sponsorship.
Robin painted a very nice logo in the new studio. The design
was from Michael Spiegel Designs. You can purchase some Chip and
Cern Show t-shirts, hats and stickers at
Cern’s wife used to listen to Chip and Cern Show v1 when they
first started dating.
Chip never got anything from his parents during shopping
trips. Cern’s dad would buy him stuff, but his mom was a coin
Charlee, the baby of Chip and Kristen, is bad at paying
attention, worse than Joe.
Cern’s wife got some beer for the fridge and Cern already
cracked them much to Robin’s chagrin.
Cern and his father in law built the studio which looks
Chip and his wife work well as a team, as exampled by his wife
saying “remember when we won that egg toss?"
Chip’s wife Kristen is trying to man him up by buying him some
man tools from Home Depot. DeWalt top of the line 20v blow your
dick off drill. It is still in the box, but Chip is determined to
use it. He has been watching I Like to Make Stuff YouTube channel,
a YouTube Ron Swanson, and he is getting really excited to make
something with his new tools.
Cern ask his wife, Robin if they work well as a team. “We are
a sponge, one scruffy side and one soft side. I’m there to smooth
it over when you are throwing stuff down the stairs.”
Robin somehow let a plant die which they are trying to return
a plant with a 1 year warranty. The lack of ventilation in the
podcast room is making Chip and Cern really sweat.
Charlee is attacking the mic and causing some distractions to
Chip. Cern is confident that this will give the Poop Show a run for
it’s money.
Robin asked Cern to do the dirty work and return the plant.
Charlee makes her first appearance on mic, and she recently started
saying “momma, momma, momma."
Cern and Robin’s kid asks tons of questions which get tuned
out. Charlee continues to interrupt the show, she will be reprimand
For Robin’s birthday on July 4th she usually had to babysit
Cern’s friends, whom have been guests on this podcast, besides Tony
who doesn’t listen because he is a son of a bitch.
Robin says that the wife show, despite needing some editing,
has a lot of character. This sends Cern into a story and rant.
Robin likes things to have character, but Cern likes clean lines
and smooth. Cern claims to rule with an iron fist. The baby Charlee
is done with the podcast, as of the listeners at this
As always we appreciate you spreading the word with your
friends, coworkers, family and churchgoing community members. The
Hits v1 and The Hits v2 are a great into to the Chip and Cern Show,
so share those!
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