Chip and Cern are bringing the funny as Cern states right out
of the gate. The dreaded REPLY ALL is the bane of the office
infractions. Unfortunately not punishable by death, the reply all
just annoys Chip and Cern as well as other office employees around
the world.
Cern’s most recent reply all situation came after a retirement
email thanking Joe Emplyoee for this 10 years of service. Then
everyone chimes in with the one line “congrats,” long time coming,
etc which just clogs everyone’s inbox for no reason at all. Cern
places bets on who will be the 1st person to reply all and the
over/under on how many people reply all. Cern will usually just
delete these congrats emails right away. Chip inquires about if
there was food brought to the office the serial reply all person
would just reply “thx” which, as Chip points out, has zero value
add to the conversion.
At Cern’s office there was a email bickering match that Cern
got pulled in to that was already 7 deep. Cern just reply all and
said “you are killing me."
At Chip’s office the HR office had to send an email about NOT
replying all, which that was reply all to it was driving Chip
crazy. There is a few serial reply all folks in his office who made
their own email thread where they can reply all until the cows come
Chip inquires to Cern about accidental reply alls that caused
embarrassment. Cern was the cause of once of these. He was trying
to have the address changed and he typed “can you SHIT (instead of
ship) to Modesto.” Nobody called him out on it, but he realized
after the fact that he told them to shit all over California.
Chip shares a story of a reply all from an ex employee
to the HR person who sent an email about getting their reviews in
for compensation of the year. This ex employee reply all to the
entire company and said “Just let me know what I need to do to get
my bonus.” everyone looked up from their desks and was like oh
At Chip’s work they use “Google for Work” the default is
reply, so people are taking extra steps to click reply all. Cern
goes to one up. He sends out a lot of reports and big ass Excel
docs so when people reply all it attaches the big file, so when
this gets sent around a few times it fills up the
Chip will go so far to send emails to every and put them in
the bcc, so they cannot reply all. Just to spite folks because that
is what he does.
Chip and Cern Pro Tip: use reply all sparangly and with
If you have some reply all disasters from your work be sure to
send it our way to and we will be sure to
enjoy those.
You know what is cool to wear to the office? Chip and Cern
Show hats and t-shirts, so head over to the Chip and Cern Show Shop
Be sure to spread the word around and tell your friends about
the Chip and Cern Show. The radio is dying and podcasts are coming,
so be ready. You can plug your phone into your car and listen when
drying around.