Nov 1, 2018
It is that time of year for the annual Golf Tourney for Cern’s
work, affectionally named “Bread Golf Tourney.” Dana, Joe, Chip and
Cern teamed up, as usual, and turned in their best performance yet.
Cern hit some of his best golf, and Chip keeps getting worse and
worse. Hear the full recap, antics and more on this episode of the
Chip and Cern Show.
Nestled away in Antioch, CA at Lone Tree Golf Course, Chip,
Cern, Joe, and Dana teamed up, like every year, to take on the
annual golf tourney that Cern’s work puts on. The tourney is a
best-ball shotgun scramble and the Chip and Cern team started off
great and the salvage game was on point. The boys picked up a few
misses and the afternoon was a success.
Chip had the worse day by far only managing a few solid hits.
Cern is performing better and better. Joe is solid as usual and
Dana comes in as most improved year over year.
After the tourney, there was the usual lunch, which Chip had
to take the pass on, and Cern shares some stories from the raffle
and lunch.
There were a few stories from the raffle, which Joe and Cern
wanted to leave the raffle, but Dana wanted to play the raffle. Joe
got a counterfeit $20 bill from his bank (Wells Fargo, go figure)
and used it on the raffle to try to rid himself of this
Do you have any Disneyland tips for Chip? Let us know on
Twitter at @chipandcernshow. Speaking of plugs, pick up your Chip
and Cern Show swag (hats, shirts, and stickers) at
Be sure to spread the word around and tell your friends about
the Chip and Cern Show. The radio is dying, and podcasts are
coming, so be ready. You can plug your phone into your car and
listen when driving around.
As always we appreciate you spreading the word with your
friends, coworkers, family and churchgoing community members. The
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