Every show is just the show. Not more “nuggets” and if we go
longer then well you are welcome.
The rant show is the theme, which is quickly derailed. New
site at www.chipandcernshow.com with show notes, links, clips,
Cern says “Chip is the tech guy here…” and Cern’s company has
the website blocked. Gotta block YouTube, Facebook and can’t
download anything unless submitting a ticket to IT.
Chip still takes notes with pen and paper which somehow got
him thinking about baseball and scorekeeping. Sports Authority is
going out of business. This guy near ATT park had his own
Chip and Cern already on the baseball crutch.
This guy is keeping score at the baseball games, on the JV
baseball team keeping score was a punishment. The guy with the
scorebook is bragging about the games he has kept score.
Chip asks “Is this cool?"
“NO!" says Cern
Cern says only two people are allowed to keep a scorebook: the
elderly and the people a few cards short on a full deck.
Baseball is a game best observed passively. Drinking beer,
checking out hot chick, garlic fries. Chip doesn’t have the
attention to detail required to keep a scorebook.
Cern and Tony had SF Giants season tickets and would visit
Chip and his wife every weekend in SF.
This was during 2007 and 2008 seasons where the Giants were
not so hot.
$20 would get you two seats at the Giants back in the day.
Chip, Cern, Tony and Chip’s wife would just drink whatever they
could get their hands on. Their virgin pallets couldn’t handle the
Jack Daniels.
Cern would black in during the game. He would become sober at
the game.
It was tough to get a cab from where Chip used to live in SF.
Chip and Cern would get in shouting matches with cabs who leave
their lights on. This was in the pre UBER days.
We were too drunk during most Giants games to even walk
straight let alone try to keep score. Chip and Cern were too poor
to drink the $9 Coors Light at the ATT Park, so would get drunk
before the game, sober up during the game and the go to the bar to
drink $2 Miller High Life.
Tangent BACK to the scorebook. Cern keeps score for his kids
baseball game because he was forced to. Cern tells his story about
how he was “volunFORCED” into keeping score. The team mom said she
needed a scorekeeper and he said “I know how to do that” which was
his down fall.
Cern is now the official scorebook for both teams and has to
sit with two other parents who are keeping score for their
respective teams. He can’t even sit with his wife during the games
because he has to keep score. One guy has a huge bag of pencils to
keep score. He went on to tell Cern he never played baseball.
Cern is a liberal scorekeeper and throws around his “official
book” title.
“So why isn’t 1st base NOT #1 in the scorebook?” was the first
question at the scorekeeping clinic. Balking is also a serious
point of confusion for these new scorekeepers.
The Team Mom keeps score on the Game Keeper app, but it
doesn’t keep the official book. She forgot everything her dad told
her about how to keep score from her childhood. Doesn’t understand
how to judge an error. Thinks only it can be caused by the player
throwing the ball.
Chip used the word bee’s dick.
The scorebook was wet when Cern had to keep score. He was
using a .05mm lead not the .07mm. The whole book is soaked and the
pencil wouldn’t properly record. Cern ended up using a ballpoint
pen to record the official book.
2hrs is the time cut off for the games that Cern is
scorekeeping for. Cern is also scorekeeping and scoreboard. Pulling
double duty at Little League.
Some lady walks up saying “we should have a run, but you
didn’t record it."
Chip would play baseball then he would go to his job as an
umpire. He remembers the fans getting so worried and bent out of
shape about what was displayed on the scoreboard.
The Little League umpires are just wearing VANS shirts in
basketball shorts and being slap dicks.
Chip drops a serious umpire knowledge bomb on
Chip recalls how boring and long it was to umpire the Little
League games. Chip paid for his 1st car by umpiring all weekend. He
would use the rest of the money on Skoal or Copenhagen.
Cern would have gotten tossed from high school games.
Weird grown men who have no kids who would umpire the same
Little League team for 12 years in a row. They would have too much
power over the kid umpires and they would change the
Other coaches that are scouting other teams for 10 year old
baseball players.
Chip and Cern talk baseball, what a surprise. Steroid era,
pitchers era with their low ERAs and now MLB is trying to shift
back to the hitters.
Chip and Cern give thanks to their wives, good pals, Joe,
Dana, Tony and more. Thanks for being super fans.
We are getting STICKERS, HATS, TSHIRTS and a new logo designed
by Mr. S!
Don’t forget about
Pateron if you want
back the show with some monies.
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website: www.chipandcernshow.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chipandcernshow/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chip-and-cern-show