Aug 17, 2017
Chip and Cern have given up on the SF Giants season and are
ready to move onto football. If you remember last year there was a
pick em league that was a lot of fun with all the Chip and Cern
crew that you know and love. This year they are firing it up again
and you are invited! Stat Boy Dana comes on to school Chip on some
football knowledge, pick on Cern’s team the Rams and of course some
Joe roasting.
Chip broadcasts right out of the gate that Joe was invited
several days in advance, but is not on the podcast. At one point
this year the Giants are in dead last place, the Dodgers are in
first and Trump is POTUS, what has this world coming
Cern starts mother fucking his entire fantasy baseball team
and Chip decided to call up Joe, but he doesn’t seem like he wants
to pick up. The phone rings, but Joe doesn’t answer. The reason why
Chip and Cern wanted to talk to Joe is because he is the commish of
the Chip and Cern Show Fantasy Football League. Dana takes
exception with this saying it is “Fantasy Pick ‘em Pool” and Dana
starts dropping some knowledge about how the league should be set
up. Dana roasts on Chip because he doesn’t know about fantasy
football or any football in general.
Chip just wants an easy league to put a little amount of
vested interest in to Sundays, Mondays and now even Thursdays. Joe
and Chip have fundamental differences in what they want in a
fantasy league. 8 minutes in and the first Joe roast are flying
fast and furious. Chip restates time and time again he didn’t want
to do this, but Joe was asking for it by not picking up his
Chip got 2nd place in this league last year. There was about
30+ members in this league last year.
Dana proposes another side bet with the Chip and Cern chat and
it is decided about a 6 pack beer bet.
The Chip and Cern Show Pick ‘em Fantasy League is as follows.
Head to head, but with confidence points. You put a number 1-16 on
each game ranking which think will be the lock. 16 is the game you
are most confident in and 1 is the game which you are the least
confident about. This is ran in Yahoo and the entry fee is $50 for
the season. Each weekly winner gets paid $50, so you get your money
back. The remaining pool of money will be split up for 1st, 2nd and
3rd places. Should be several hundred bucks for the winner at the
end of the season.
Chip, Cern and Dana discuss the frustrations of picking
against the spread.
The boys start checking out the 1st week’s matchups and
discussing strategies.
Chip tries to call Joe again to get his comment, but again he
doesn’t pick up. As you might imagine a Joe roast follows his lack
of picking up.
Chip dives into the New York Times article about all of the
donated football brains. 98% of these brains they got had signs of
CTE and within a day or two of this report being released some NFL
players retired. These injuries are from years of repeated head
injuries going untreated. Even some brains as young as 23 years old
showed signs of this. Chip and Cern both agreed they wouldn’t be
down with their kids playing tackle football. Cern says that some
areas will still be all in on football because it is their way to
big money and fame in the areas that they live. Chip starts talking
about some technology that may or may not exist.
Cern has the NFL Pre-Season Power Rankings up to get Dana’s
comment. The Pats are #1 and that is no surprise to
Cern brings up the Super Bowl odds for the 2017-18 Super
Do you want in the Chip and Cern Show Fantasy Pick ‘Em League?
Shoot us a DM on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and you will get
the details.
Be sure to spread the word around and tell your friends about
Chip and Cern
Show. The radio is dying and podcasts are coming, so be ready.
You can plug your phone into your car and listen when driving
around. If you feel like supporting the show with some of your hard
earned money check out