Aug 16, 2018
Chip’s voice is still strained and the YouTube 360 didn’t take
for this round, but Chip and Cern are there to bring the heat.
Chip’s brother had his bachelor party and Chip bring the “old guy”
point of view and recap. Spoiler alert Chip calls this “the tamest
bachelor party” he has been to.
Chip had to drive up for several hours with Wolf, but didn’t
get to partake in any road sodas. Lots of "war stories” about
Chip’s brother. There was some grand plans for the South Lake Tahoe
weekend, but it got boozy and they all didn’t pan out.
Beers, pizza and the casino was in store for Friday night.
Something that this crew was into was beer pong, something that
Chip and Cern never got into because “we don’t need training wheels
to get drunk.”
Saturday had some golf, naps (for Chip only) and more casino
time after a nice classic steak dinner. Chip didn’t partake in the
steak portion.
Two of the peoples were on Bumble and Tinder, so Chip needed
some explanation on this new dating app technology.
What are your crazy bachelor party stories? Let us know on
Twitter at @chipandcernshow. Speaking of plugs, pick up your Chip
and Cern Show swag (hats, shirts, and stickers) at
Be sure to spread the word around and tell your friends about
the Chip and Cern Show. The radio is dying, and podcasts are
coming, so be ready. You can plug your phone into your car and
listen when driving around.
As always we appreciate you spreading the word with your
friends, coworkers, family and churchgoing community members. The
Hits are great into to the Chip and Cern Show, so share