It is hot in the valley. Cern’s wife threw a party, so this a
pre-party podcast. Chip and Cern are drinking Summer Shandy on his
hot day baking in Cern’s garage. Very fruity and
6, 12, 18, 24 is the amount of times you have to compete the
following in a 24hr period.
- Jacking/Jilling Off to completion
- Running/walking miles
- Donuts eaten
- Beers drank
Chip’s penis us hurting from thinking of jacking it 6 times.
You can do whatever order and stragiety to win. You cannot throw
up. You can combine two things like running/walking whilst drinking
beers. No requirements on type of beer or donuts that must be
This would obviously be done on a weekend. For the beers you
need the emptys to prove, no keg beers. Saturday is when Chip would
start the challenge and Cern would start the challenge at
Beer is going to be one of the bigger numbers.
Chip doesn’t know Cern’s jack schedule, so he is going with 6
jacks. Maybe knock two out early then you need a break to recharge.
Might have to get the jacks done with early cause if you are 10
beers deep you might have a hard time getting the next few jacks
Plus you are eating the donuts, so your body isn’t getting
good nutrients.
Chip says he would do maybe the 18 or 24 miles of running
cause of all his triathlon and running experience.
Cern says, without thought, 6 jacks, 12 donuts, 18 miles, and
24 beers.
You can split your running up, so you might want to do some in
the morning then the rest at night.
Chip and Cern agree you gotta stick to Bud Light or Coors
Light for the beer if you want any chance in hell of
Chip says running whilst drunk isn’t a good idea or very easy
to do. Might be easy to go to a track.
Cern isn’t a donut fan, but he could crush a glazed. Two and
he is feeling ehhhh.
Early in the am you gotta knock out some donuts, about two
jacks and a few beers.
Joe was supposed to come on cause he is good at 3 of these,
everything but the running.
Chip and Cern can’t even imagine how anyone can jack 12 times.
Chip and Cern lock 6 jacks, and 24 beers for SuperFan
Chip can’t drink 24 beers anymore. He would need to get
regular food during this challenge. Maybe needs a PB&J for
Chip suggests putting 3 donuts on a longneck and working on
them that way.
Running is the X FACTOR in the challenge says
Chip is thinking of breaking up the 24 mile run. Also he
suggests taking a nap during the day, recharge the
“We need a spotter,” says Chip. Chip and Cern think that wives
would make a good spotter. Help with some jack material and keep
you on task.
Ladies would have to jill off 6 times, which is nearly
impossible because they need candles and romantic stuff to get all
worked up. That is stumbling block for women.
If you are an avg Joe you will prob have to go for the 12
miles of running.
Chip’s new line up. 6 jacks, 12 donuts, 18 beers and 24
Cern’s line up. 6 jacks, 12 donuts, 18 miles and 24
You gotta to Krispy cream donut or Dunkin glazed because they
are the smaller ones and easiest to go down.
Chip has a new strategy of smashing donuts down into one
bigger donut. Maybe beer funnel down a few beers, but that is just
one beer.
What would you do when you are drinking all these
Chip is starting his day with a nice jack, a nice beer, donut
and coffee. Wait he might just head right out on that
18 miles. You could run 3 then walk one and drink
Cern has an epiphany that jacking is the factor. You don’t
want to save your jacks to right in the morning.
You don’t want to put off challenges until the 11th
Chip makes a
Pam Anderson and
Carmen Electra reference like the old man he is. Who are this
generation’s Pam Anderson? JLaw from
Having a good spotter is key.
Donuts might be the easiest thing to do.
Chip’s new new plan. Wakes at 9, two jacks in 1hr then a few
beers. Then makes his first donut brick. 2-3pm he is gonna need a
Chipotle burrito.
Do you mix in water in-between beers to try to tone down your
drunk level?
Since Cern is doing 24 beers to every 6th beer he will have
some water.
You don’t want to get over the hump on the beer buzz and going
down shit mountain cause you will be in a world of hurt. There is
no coming back from shit mountain.
Cern will have Mexican food for his regular meal during the
day. He will lay off the chips and salsa tho. Or make a burrito
with a few donuts in there. Scramble some eggs, avocado, 2-3
donuts. Fuck Chip just reinvented the wheel.
You need to start the day with some jacks and some running.
This Chip and Cern can agree on. This should happen before noon.
That would leave Cern with 20 beers, 4 jacks 14 donuts. Then Cern
gets himself some lunch, Mexican food as discussed earlier then
have a few beers with lunch. After your 3rd jack of the day you
will be pretty centered for the day. After lunch you need an other
jack in, but you gotta get to work on drinking beers. The time is
2pm and you have over 9 beers in 5 hours.
If there was Challenge Party, which would get awkward quickly,
Chip drinks better in social situations.
Cern is on his 3rd jack around noon and looking to get his
next jack in around 3pm. Chip thinks naps are a good idea so your
balls can recharge and you can sober up a bit. The key of a spotter
is stressed again. At 7pm Cern need to run his last 9 miles. Try to
run 7 miles then the last 2 miles would be beer drinking and cool
Those last few jacks you will need to dig deep. Finish all
your beers then take your sleep. Set the alarm and wake up with a
few more donuts and a jack.
Chip’s new new new plan. Wake up at 9. Two jacks, two beers,
4-5 donuts. Then he is going to run and not drink beer, well maybe
1-2 beers. 14 beers left, no running. 4 jacks and 13 donuts in 6
hours, so it is 2pm. After the run and Chipotle, another jack and
drinking and a few donuts. Hopefully gets inspired to jack during
the Giants game. The 3rd jack will need to be done by the end of
the Giant’s game. Careful about riding that buzzed line to shit
mountain. So by the end of the night Chip is done with beers,
running and needs 8 donuts and 3 jacks. He estimates he can save 1
jack for the morning and a few donuts.
Chip thinks the donut brick will be key to donuts
Who has it harder Chip or Cern? Cern has more beers to drink,
but Chip is running further.
How would you plan out your 6, 12, 18, 24 Challenge? Email,
tweet or contact us and let us know!
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Chip and Cern give thanks to their wives, good pals, Joe,
Dana, Tony and more. Thanks for being super fans.
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